Storytellers across Scotland to entertain and inspire....

Our Directory of Storytellers showcases over 140 professional storytellers who can be booked for storytelling sessions and workshops in your community.

Many storytellers are also eligible for subsidy through the Live Literature Fund (LLF) scheme, administered by the Scottish Book Trust.

All storytellers are freelance artists and not employees of the Storytelling Forum or TRACS, utilising our recommended fees, as set out below.

See our Storytellers

Recommended Rates

Storytelling Sessions

• 1 hour: £120 plus travel costs

• Half Day: £165 plus travel costs

• Full Day: £280 plus travel costs


Training & Workshops

• Half day: £230 plus travel costs

• Full day: £350 plus travel costs

• Tailor made: Bespoke based on requirements


Not-for-profit & Voluntary organisations

• Half day: £200 plus travel costs

• Full day: £300 plus travel costs


Research & Development for Projects

• Per Day: £150 suggested minimum


Half Day = 2 hours with a suitable break
Full day = 4 hours with a suitable break
Travel costs @ 45p per mile or public transport costs

Booking Guidelines
Exceptions and Further Info

Where events and projects require a period of research, preparation and attendance at meetings, there may be additional costs.

Rates for work overseas or for long term projects are open to negotiation and can be discussed with the storytellers directly or through the National Storytelling Coordinator.

Storytellers normally invoice directly for any storytelling bookings. Invoicing can be processed by TRACS at the Scottish Storytelling Centre upon request, but a one-off £5 admin charge will apply.

If you need help finding a storyteller for your event or want to discuss a project involving one or more storytellers, just get in touch.


Email the Storytelling Forum