A living cultural ecology with the power to inspire our modern society

Storytelling Forum

A diverse network of storytellers, organisations and individuals supporting Scotland’s vibrant storytelling community.

The Scottish Storytelling Forum is a membership organisation, and a Scottish Charity, dedicated to keeping the art of live oral storytelling alive and growing.

The members elect a committee and office-bearers, with one third retiring or being re-appointed at each AGM.

The Forum is one of the three founders and members of TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland) which recognises and supports storytelling, music, dance and seasonal customs, as part of Scotland’s evolving culture.


View Our Storytellers


  • Promote the study, practice and knowledge of storytelling in Scotland through the preservation and perpetuation of traditional storytelling
  • Advance public education in the art and heritage of storytelling in all sections of the Scottish community
  • Develop storytelling as a contemporary art through the fostering of storytelling skills among all age groups
  • Sharing stories in schools, colleges, prisons, community centres, churches, libraries, hospitals, elderly care centres and festivals, throughout Scotland
  • Advise and advocate on all aspects of storytelling development in all aspects of cultural and social life
  • Assist in organising, managing and promoting storytelling programmes and events
  • Plan and programme in connection with national, cultural, artistic and educational societies and organisations, or on its own initiative
  • Cooperate with local authorities, community groups and local cultural, artistic and educational societies and organisations for the promotion of the knowledge and practice of storytelling


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Vision Statement

Our stories tell us who we are, where we come from, our connection to one another, and to the land.

The ethos of the Scottish storytelling family, defined by its spirit of generosity and openness, is instilled with the belief that stories, above all, are gifts to be freely given and passed on: with this goes the consciousness of the great gratitude for the precious legacy of songs and stories left to us in a carrying stream of Scottish lore and traditions of other cultures that have migrated.

In the deepest sense, these stories, ballads and songs speak to the heart and are an education for living. In gathering and forging new stories, we should honour the conviction that we are passing on precious gifts and our art is to make them as beautiful as possible, sharing and fashioning them carefully for our listeners.

Above all, our art is inclusive: everyone shares and contributes in storytelling. Humans are storytelling beings; our stories are cultural expressions of the enormous diversity of humanity, whilst simultaneously being the thread connecting us.


  • Promote connectivity and cooperation in the storytelling community
  • Develop effective support structures for storytelling
  • Widen access to, and participation in, storytelling
  • Support and nurture storytelling and illustrate its value in education, heritage, environment, health and wellbeing
  • Celebrate storytelling from the hearth-side to the international stage


The Forum itself does not function as an agency but encourages offers of programmes and workshops. Its role is to advocate, advise and develop, so supporting the key delivery agencies, including Creative Scotland and other public funders, TRACS and the Scottish Storytelling Centre.


  • Learning through peer support, workshops and mentoring
  • Communications
  • Development events
  • Outreach work
  • Performance platforms
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Forum Executive Committee

The Scottish Storytelling Forum (SCIO SC052330) is a member of TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland).

The Forum Board of Trustees acts as a think-tank, advising on all aspects of storytelling development, and advocating the cause of storytelling and storytellers in all aspects of cultural and social life.

The Executive Committee is responsible for the administration, management and control of the affairs and property of the Association, including the details of membership and subscription.

Through TRACS, the Forum is grant-aided by Creative Scotland. However, our work depends on charitable giving and the support of our members. Please consider donating or leave a legacy to allow our work to grow.

The work of the Forum is always people-centred, and all outreach events and projects are tailored to the needs, abilities and interests of the participants.

View Current Board