Join the Storytelling Forum

Membership is open to individuals and organisations active in storytelling and keen to support storytelling throughout Scotland.

It costs £20 (£15) per year.


Updated membership rates 2020:

£20 for Directory storytellers (professional storytellers listed on the Scottish Storytelling Forum website)

£15 for Directory storytellers concession

£15 for Storytelling Forum supporters

Concessionary prices apply to students, senior citizens, unemployed and people with a disability.

How to pay

You can purchase a SSF membership online, in person at the Scottish Storytelling Centre Reception as well as over the phone on +44 131 556 9579 using pay by card. You will be asked for full customer details by reception and your membership will be active on receipt of payment.

Register Online

Once you’ve joined we will add you to our newsletter mailing list

We’ll also connect with you on Twitter and Facebook.


If you are an organisation and require an invoice by email or post, please contact us.