
Fàilte gu ar pod-craoladh, Sgeul is Seanchas, far an cluinnear measgachadh de sgeulachdan traidiseanta, eachdraidheil is èibhinn anns a’ Ghàidhlig bho chuid de na sgeulaichean as fheàrr ann an Alba.  Faicibh ceangal airson na clàraidhean gu h-ìosal.

Welcome to our podcast, Sgeul is Seanchas, where you will hear a mixture of traditional, historical and humorous stories in Gaelic from some of the best storytellers in Scotland.  Scroll down the page for a link to the episodes.



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Bu toil le Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba taing a thoirt do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic agus maoineachadh airson a’ chiad sreath den phod-craoladh agus do Mhaoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig airson am maoineachadh airson an dàrna sreath.

The Scottish Storytelling Forum is very grateful to The Gaelic Books Council and Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their funding and support for the first series of this podcast and to Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig for the funding for the second series.

Series 1

Episode 1

Seo dhuibh Ruairidh Mac’illeathain à Inbhir Nis leis a’ chiad sgeulachd san t-sreath seo, An t-Iasg Òir.

Bha Màrtainn agus a bhean gu math bochd is bha iad a’ fuireach ann am bothan.  Cha robh biadh sam bith aca is aon latha, chaidh Màrtainn a dh’iasgach gus èisg a ghlacadh.  Cha do ghlac e ach iasg bheag òir aig an robh comasan labhairt.  Chuir Màrtainn an t-iasg air ais dhan mhuir nuair a gheallas an t-iasg gun toireadh e dha rud sam bith a tha e ag iarraidh.

The first story in this series is The Golden Fish, told by Ruairidh Maclean from Inverness.

Martin and his wife live on their own in poverty in a hovel. They have run out of food, so Martin goes to catch a fish for their supper.  All he catches is a small golden fish, which he returns to the sea as it speaks to him and promises to grant him anything he wishes.

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Series 1

Episode 2

Seo dhuibh an dàrna sgeulachd san t-sreath seo, Gille Padara Dubh agus Mac ‘ic Ailein, air a h-innse le Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir.

Bha fear Gille Padara Dubh a bha a’ fuireach ann an Uibhist a Deas.  Bha e fìor mhath leis a’ bhogha-saighde is thug an t-uachdaran Mac ‘ic Ailein dùbhlan dha airson feuchainn dè cho math ‘s a bha e dha-rìribh leis a’ bhogha-saighde. Chuir e ubh air ceann a mhic feuch am bualadh e i bho astar 100 slat air falbh.

The second story in the series is Gille Padara Dubh and MacDonald of Clanranald told by Martin MacIntyre.

There was a well known character called Gille Padara Dubh who lived in South Uist.  He was an exceptional archer and the landlord, MacDonald of Clanranald, challenged him to shoot an egg off the top of his son’s head from 100 feet away to find out how good he really was.




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Series 1

Episode 3

Seo dhuibh sgeulachd Shrath Ghlais air a h-innse le Ceit Langhorne.  Chruthaich Ceit an sgeulachd seo le bhith a’ cur sgeulachdan bhon TGSI ri chèile.

Tha an sgeulachd a leanas ag innse mar a stad crodh Shrath Ghlais a bhith leigeil am bainne airson am bleoghainn.  Bhathar a’ creidsinn gur e bana-bhuidsich a’ fuireach gu h-ionadail a chur stad air a’ bhleoghann. Bha diofar dhaoine ag obair gus stad a chur air na bana-bhuisich, a bha a’ nochdadh ann an riochd maighich airson trioblaid adhbharachadh. Bha am fuasgladh a’ tighinn thuca ann an dòigh nach shaoileadh duine sam bith.

This month’s story, told by Ceit Langhorne, is a story belonging to Strathglass which Ceit put together from similar stories that appeared in the TGSI.

The following story tells how the cattle in Strathglass stopped letting their milk.  The community believed that the local witches were responsible, and that they were appearing in the form of hares all around the district to cause havoc. The community worked together to stop them but the solution comes in a way that no one could have anticipated.

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Series 1

Episode 4

Seo dhuibh dà sgeulachd èibhinn a chruthaich Tormod Mac’illeEathain, nach maireann, air an innse le Ruairidh Gray à Uibhist a Deas.

‘s e ‘A’ Bhean-Uasal NicÌomhair à Cnoc an t-Soluis air a’ Bhac’ tiotal a’ chiad sgeulachd, sgeulachd mu dheidhinn ban-Leòdhasach a tha a’ siubhal gu Tibet gus coinneachadh ri cuideigin sònraichte.

Agus ‘s e ‘Cladh Hàllain’ tiotal an dàrna sgeulachd, sgeulachd gaoil eadar Dòmhnall Phàdruig a’ Chnuic agus Peigi Iain Bhig ann an Uibhist a Deas.

This month we have two funny stories, created by the late Norman MacLean, told here by Ruairidh Gray from South Uist.

The first story is ‘The noble Mrs MacIver from Cnoc an t-Soluis air a’ Bhac’, a story about a noblewoman from Lewis who travels to Tibet to meet a special person.

And the title of the second story is ‘The Graveyard at Hallan’ which is a love story about two sweethearts in South Uist, Dòmhnall Phàdruig a’ Chnuic and Peigi Iain Bhig.

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Series 1

Episode 5

Seo dhuibh sgeulachd eachdraidheil à Èirinn air a h-innse le Marcas Mac an Tuairneir.

Bha long Frangach, an Leon XIII, a’ seòladh eadar Portland is Corcaigh is chaidh a bhriseadh air na creagan faisg air Caoilte nuair a thàinig stoirm uabhasach.  Cluinnear mun oidhirp ghaisgeil a rinn muinntir Chaoilte gus na seòlaidearan Frangach a shabhladh.

This month we have a historical story from Ireland told by Mark Turner.

A French ship, the Leon XIII, was sailing from Portland to Cork and was driven against the rocks near Quilty in County Clare in the midst of a terrible storm.  The people of Quilty made a heroic effort to save the French sailors in the terrible conditions, risking their own lives during the rescue.

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Series 1

Episode 6

Seo dhuibh sgeulachd a chruthaich Ariel Killick, Dàna-Thursan ri Aibideil nan Craobhan.  Tha an Gille Dubh/Glèidheadair na Coille cho dubhach is e ag ionndrainn nan craobhan is a chuideachd a chaidh am fuadachadh, gu bheil e air a dhachaigh anns a’ choille a thrèigsinn gus suidhe na aonar air barr beinne, a’ fàgail nan àilleagan uile aige aig Sìne, airson a sgeulachd innse is eòlas air bhuannachdan ar craobhan dùthchasach a sgapadh.

Here’s a new story created by Ariel Killick, Adventures with the Gaelic Tree Alphabet.  An Gille Dubh / The Guardian of the Trees, saddened by the clearing of his beloved trees and people, has left his forest home to sit alone atop the highest mountains, leaving his beautiful, prized possessions to our Storyteller to tell his tale and spread knowledge of the riches of our native trees.

© Ariel Killick 2020 ℗ Ariel Killick 2020

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Series 1

Episode 7

Seo dhuibh sgeulachd pearsanta air a h-innse le Ruairidh Greumach às an Eilean Sgitheanach.  ‘s ann mu dheidhinn aon de na sinnsearan aig Ruairidh a th’ ann, Aonghas MacMhaolain à Leòdhas, a bha na shaighdear anns a’ Chiad Chogadh Mòr.  Choisinn Aonghas tòrr chliù airson a ghaisgeachd tron a’ chogadh is choisinn e an tiotal An Gaisgeach Bhuzancy bhon an t-Arm Frangach.

This month we have a personal story told by Ruairidh Graham from the Isle of Skye.  The story is about one of Ruairidh’s ancestors, Angus MacMillian from Lewis, who was a soldier in the First World War.  Angus was renowned for his bravery during the war and was acclaimed by the French Army as the Hero of Buzancy.

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Series 2

Episode 1

’S ann aig Na Leòdaich, Clann ’ic Leòid, a bha smachd air Eilean Leòdhais airson iomadh linn. Ach thug an Crùn seilbh air fearrann Leódhais ga na Sìophartaich – Clann ‘ic Choinnich, ann an 1611. Thug Iarla Shìophairt òrdugh gu feumadh na bhuineadh ga cinn-feadha na Leòidich, an cur gu bàs.

A rèir beul aithris na Sìophartaich fhein, agus na tha sgrìobhte chun an latha an diugh, chuir iad às ga cinn-fheadhna na Leòdaich agus na bhuineadh dha. Ach ‘s e an rud a rèir nam sgeòil seo, saoil na chur?

The Clan MacLeod ruled the Isle of Lewis for many years.  But the Crown gave the lands in Lewis to the Seaforths – the Clan MacKenzie, in 1611.  The Earl of Seaforth ordered that anyone related to the chiefs of the Clan MacLeod should be put to death.

According to the oral history of the MacKenzies, and what is written in the history books, it is said that the MacKenzies extinquished all members of the Clan MacLeod.  But according to this story, did they indeed?

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Cuiribh sùil air na goireasan airson barrachd fiosrachaidh a thaobh a’ lorg is ag athris sgeulachdan.

Browse our useful resources and background materials to find out more about finding and telling stories.


1. Goireas nan sgeulachdan – toiseach tòisichidh

Storytelling resource  – starting points
